Open Source Quote
This quote was found on the first post of this Zenoss forum. It was written by user ‘bithajcsar’. Open source in general, is only for those, who do not have any serious responsibility. Now, I do feel that I should…
This quote was found on the first post of this Zenoss forum. It was written by user ‘bithajcsar’. Open source in general, is only for those, who do not have any serious responsibility. Now, I do feel that I should…
Let's just add this to my already huge pile of reasons why I want a PlayStation 3. The thing is built tough.
Last month I received a Flip Ultra digital camera as a birthday present from Hannah. There are two different models of the Flip video camera made by Pure Digital Technologies. The Flip Ultra and the Flip Mino. I have seen…
Is owning an Apple product a status symbol to people, like owning a thousand dollar suit? This idea was recently presented to me because of the iPhone. The company I work for has been working with iPhones more and more…
Before I get started I do want to say I am an Apple fan boy. I think Apple makes the best computers on the planet, I think they make the best portable MP3 players on the planet, and now I…
I was really inspired a while ago from a thread I read on the Local H Message board regarding browser homepages. For the longest time I have had my homepage set to Google. I could never really think of any…
Last week my company cell phone died. It was an old BlackBerry 7100g. That BlackBerry and I never got along and I did not keep that fact a secret. So when it finally passed away this last week my boss…
You can save Google news, as well as any Google news search as an RSS feed. This is hands down a very useful feature for people who visit their local newspaper website everyday because they don't offer an RSS feed.…
I run or administer several WordPress based websites including this one. For the the last week I slowly began upgrading these sites from WordPress 2.5 to 2.6. The upgrade for me and these sites have been very easy. None the…
I truly hate cable television. There are so many shows that are on T.V. that do little more then act as a tool to keep the masses parked at home on their asses. Cable T.V. is such a waist of…