PAX Prime 2010 – Day 2
Waking up and pulling myself out of bed I was feeling like I had been at PAX a week already. I could not figure out why I was feeling like this. Maybe it was all the walking around and standing…
Waking up and pulling myself out of bed I was feeling like I had been at PAX a week already. I could not figure out why I was feeling like this. Maybe it was all the walking around and standing…
Hannah and I woke up early and eager on Friday so we could attend the PAX keynote address and meet up with our good friend Lyle. The Keynote was taking place at Benaroya Hall and featured Warren Spector as the…
My Fiancé Hannah, and I were woken up at 5AM on Thursday, September 2nd to the theme of Top Gun blaring from my iPhone that rested on the night stand. The night before I set my iPhone to wake us…
I gotta do something here, I still can’t believe it. I gotta give you your dream shot! I’m gonna send you up against the best. You two characters are going to Top Gun. My brother came home from fishing. He…
For those interested in roll playing game news, I write for Stargazer’s World where I explore Dungeons & Dragons as well as product related to the hobby. Writing A Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition Adventure GameScience Dice Review Free Stuff Friday: Dragon…
Juneau Alaska is a beautiful place with it’s mountains, forest, lakes, and oceans. I love seeing people walk outside our airport for the very first time. Everyone of them have this look of awe in their eye. It takes them…
Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves.
Hannah and I went to our Juneau, AK Fredmeyer yesterday after work. We where on a mission to pick up a few food items for our weekly Wednesday movie night with friends. While we where at the store I saw…
For those interested in roll playing game news, I write for Stargazer’s World where I explore Dungeons & Dragons as well as product related to the hobby. Salmon and D&D Free Stuff Friday: Mouse Guard Wiki Free Stuff Friday: Risus Free Stuff…
Back in September of 2003 I was working with my dad in Cupertino, California selling oriental rugs. We where staying in a condo apartment just a few blocks from Apple's Headquarters. On one of my days off I decided to…