Do you know the worst Transformers game of all time? Arguably it’s Transformers: Mystery of Convoy. (The direct translation of the title is: Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers: Mystery of Convoy.) This 1986 cartridge game was created exclusively for the Japanese Nintendo Famicom system. It’s a game so bad they misspelled “Convoy”.
So why does this game exist? Because the 1986 the animated Transformers movie didn’t get released in Japan until 1990. Fans watching The Transformers cartoon went from season 2 to season 3 without a movie in between. This left a question with Japaneses Transformers fans. What the hell happened to Optimus Prime?
To capitalize on this, Transformers: Mystery of Convoy, was made to answer that question. The game’s title “Convoy” being Optimus Prime and mystery of who killed him.
Mystery of Convoy is a 2D platformer game consisting of 10 notoriously difficult levels. You play as Ultra Magnus, firing your short range gun at waves of enemies.
I’ve read about people who’ve played this game. All express their frustration over how difficult it is. Sluggish controls, poor hit mechanics, and an insane number of enemies are just some of the reasons this game sucks.
The game has a few secrets and four possible endings. Bumblebee is in the game to help you skip levels, but only if you kill special red enemy jets that appear at random. If you collect hidden letters to spell “RODIMUS” you get one of two good ending screens. The first telling you that Rodimus Prime will continue the investigation. Now you can play the whole game again as Rodimus Prime. If you beat the game as Rodimus Prime, you are shown the second good ending.
The funny thing is, I can’t find anything about this game that actually answers the question of what happened to Opimtus Prime. Do you know? Leave a comment below.

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I remember “trying” to play this game on a emulator and getting pissed at the first few feet.